Looking for valuable advice to navigate your 1L year? These insights from our legal writing TAs offer practical strategies for success in law school. From time management and preparedness to staying organized and prioritizing mental health, these TAs share their top tips to help you excel in the Legal Analysis, Research & Communication (LARC) program. Whether it's mastering bluebooking, adjusting your writing style or practicing exam techniques, their guidance will help you thrive academically and personally throughout your first year.

“One piece of advice I would like to share with the 1Ls is to remember the importance of planning ahead. I cannot emphasize enough how crucial time management is. Some concepts are more challenging than others, and understanding which topics require greater focus will help you prepare effectively for both class and exams."
- Arleth Teran (JD '26)

“Professor Alba gave us this advice during my 1L year, and I try to apply it to everything: The best way to overcome imposter syndrome is with preparedness. You can never be too prepared in law school! Also, prioritize your mental health and make sure to spend time with loved ones when you can."
- Georgia Gooding (JD '26)

“Find a way to be mindful in all that you do. All assignments and readings have their benefit(s) and with the proper attention you will experience incredible growth as a student and a person. You've got this!"
- Gina McCammon (JD '26)

“Do not be afraid to change your writing style. Eventually, everything will click, but in the beginning, LARC can be overwhelming. Remember to give yourself some grace, go to office hours, and thoroughly review the rubrics. Before you know it, you will be writing memorandums and briefs like it is second nature."
- Lauren Morby (JD '26)

“My advice for 1L’s in the LARC program is to create a system for organizing & saving your research that works for you and put effort into learning bluebooking; it will help you tons in the long run. Legal writing may feel unfamiliar at first, but if you utilize the samples you are provided with and focus on the structure of your writing, it will get easier!"
- Madelyn Ottenweller (JD '26)

“The best piece of advice I can give to 1Ls is to outline early and go to office hours, even if you just want to double check your own understanding of the rules and concepts. Also, practice as much as possible, whether it's doing hypotheticals or practice essays, so you are not cramming before the final exam."