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Dean’s Message - May 2024

Dean Jenn Photo

Dear College of Law Alumni,

It's hard to believe that this is my last week at DePaul College of Law, and my last message to you, our amazing alumni. I have enjoyed every moment over the last nine years attending events and programs with you; chatting with you over coffees, lunches, and dinners; celebrating your accomplishments as lawyers and leaders; listening to your advice and feedback; and sharing all the joys and accomplishments of the law school as your cheerleader in chief.

I am so appreciative of the time, talent, and treasure you have shared with our community, especially our students and recent alumni. In large part because of your support and dedication, our law school continues to be on the rise and taking its rightful place as Chicago's law school (with national impact).

Like any leader, I have tried to leave the institution in a better place than when I started. I think we have done that, together, by focusing on our North Stars (our students' success) and building a strong foundation for the future.

For dreaming big
For having faith in me and supporting our faculty, staff, and students
For feeling pride in DePaul College of Law
For giving generously of your time to our students and recent alumni
For being exemplary servant leaders
For investing in the future of the law school consistent with your passions

You honor me by continuing this support as we transition to our interim and permanent dean, as we are all responsible for the legacy of DePaul College of Law. As I have said many times, our alumni network is our superpower, which will energize our success in the years to come.

I will still be in Chicago when I head to the ABA on June 1, so I am sure I will run into many of you in a coffee shop or on the lakefront.

Take care of each other and our great law school.

Jenn ​