College of Law > Academics > Centers, Institutes & Initiatives > International Human Rights Law Institute > Publications > Trafficking


  • Demand Dynamics: The Forces of Demand in Global Sex Trafficking - Conference Report
    This report contains the proceedings of the groundbreaking trafficking conference, Demand Dynamics, which was held October 15-17, 2003, at the Newberry Library in Chicago. The conference was co-organized by the the International Human Rights Law Institute and Captive Daughters, an anti-trafficking group based in Los Angeles. The conference focused on the demand side of the sex industry, which has been inadequately studied to date. The Conference drew upon the expertise of a working group of seventy experts, addressing such issues as sex-industry consumers, the organization of sex trafficking, governmental policies that allow or enable trafficking, and strategies to reduce the demand that drives the sex industry. Each session combined short presentations with open discussions designed to elicit new and innovative responses to the demand side of sex trafficking. This report includes these presentations as well as transcripts of the question-and-answer sessions that followed. 166 pp. 2004, International Human Rights Law Institute. $10.00
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  • In Modern Bondage: A National and Regional Overview
    This publication presents an expansive study of trafficking of women and children for purposes of sexual exploitation in the Americas. The book includes detailed country reports from Belize, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama. The book also presents an overview of domestic legislation and international trafficking networks in Central America and the Caribbean. Edited by David E. Guinn and Elissa Steglich. 460 pp. 2003, Transnational Publishers, Inc. $125.00
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  • In Modern Bondage: Sex Trafficking in the Americas
    This report examines key features of trafficking for sexual exploitation in Central America and the Caribbean, covering Belize, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama. Beyond the assessment of the impact of this crime on developing countries, this book offers public policy recommendations at the regional and national level. This important study was conducted in association with the Inter-American Commission of Women and the Inter-American Children's Institute of the Organization of American States. 205 pp. 2002, International Human Rights Law Institute.
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  • In Modern Bondage: Sex Trafficking in the Americas (Second Revised Edition)
    This second revised edition includes the expanded findings of IHRLI's groundbreaking 2000 study of trafficking of women and children for purposes of commercial sexual exploitation in the Americas. Included in this publication are the newly edited regional overview, which examines the situation of trafficking in Belize, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama, and a summary report of trafficking in Brazil that is based on the extensive findings of IHRLI's research partner, CECRIA (Centro De Referncia, Estudos E Aes Sobre Crianas E Adolescentes). 248 pp. 2005, International Human Rights Law Institute. $10.00
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  • Investigating International Trafficking in Women and Children for Commercial Sexual Exploitation
    This pamphlet published by IHRLI provides informational and statistical analysis of the crime of international trafficking from a human rights perspective. It also announces the launch of IHRLI's 2000 study of trafficking in the Americas. 4 pp. 2001, International Human Rights Law Institute.
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  • Study on Trafficking in Women, Children and Adolescents for Commercial Sexual Exploitation in Brazil
    This report examines the crime of trafficking in Brazil through careful examination of its manifestations in the various principalities of the country. The study takes into consideration trafficking in women, children and adolescents for the purpose of commercial sexual exploitation as a result of social contradictions, which have been intensified by globalization and weak government structures, further deepening gender, race and ethnic inequalities. 179 pp. 2003, PESTRAF. $10.00 (English only)
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  • Esclavitud Moderna: Trfico Sexual en las Americas
    Este informe ofrece un resumen de los hallazgos de una investigacin sobre el trfico de mujeres, nios, nias y adolescentes con fines de explotacin sexual en ocho paises de las Amricas - Belice, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panam y la Repblica Dominicana. Esta versin, en idioma espaol, sea de utilidad para contribuir en el combate de este problema que requiere de la contribucin de todas las iniciativas posibles -pblicas y privadas- siempre desde una ptica integral. Este proyecto fue realizado en asociacin con la Comisin Interamericana de Mujeres y el Instituto Interamericano del Nio ambos de la Organizacin de los Estados Americanos. 197 pp. 2003, International Human Rights Law Institute. $10.00
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