College of Law > Academics > Centers, Institutes & Initiatives > Mary and Michael Jaharis Health Law Institute > e-Pulse Blog > journal-editor-in-chief

DePaul Journal of Health Care Law: Letter from the Editor-in-Chief

My name is Nelson Dunlap, and I will be serving as the 2014-2015 Editor-in-Chief of the DePaul Journal of Health Care Law​. I am very humbled to have been given the opportunity to serve in this capacity alongside a talented group of my peers. The Editorial Board and I are dedicated to bringing highly relevant, competent, and interesting articles for publication this coming year and I am extremely excited about the goals we have set.
The Editorial Board and I are working hard this summer to not only ensure the continued high level of success and prestige that the Journal of Health Care Law is accustomed to, but to also reach new levels of engagement. We are very enthusiastic about the topic of our Annual Health Law Symposium this coming year and hope that many students will find it interesting.
As the school year kicks off and we hold our new staff writer orientation, there will be many opportunities for interested students to get involved with the health law program, submit an article for the journal, or volunteer to help with the symposium. Keep an eye out for our next publication and never hesitate to drop by the Journal office to ask myself or any Editorial Board member any question you may have.
Nelson J. Dunlap
Editor-in-Chief, DePaul Journal of Health Care Law

Room Number: Lewis Center, 224

Telephone Number: 312.362.5634
