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Newsletter and DMC News



January: DMC Newsletter-January.pdf

February: DMC Newsletter-February.pdf

March: DMC Newsletter-March.pdf

April: DMC Newsletter-April.pdf

May: DMC Newsletter - May.pdf

June: DMC Newsletter - June.pdf


06/20/2024 - World Refugee Day

World Refugee Day Chicago 2024

World Refugee Day, observed globally on June 20th each year, marks a significant occasion to honor refugees, recognize their contributions, and highlight the challenges they face. In Chicago, the commemoration includes various events, reflecting the city's commitment to inclusivity and support for refugee communities. 

This year, leading up to World Refugee Day, several notable events took place. DMC program coordinator Dominique Cressler attended the pre-World Refugee Day conversation at Adler University by the Adler University Immigrant Justice Association. The event featured Patricia H.A. Perez, an international psychologist, who spoke on global mobility and the role of advocacy. This was followed by the 2024 Power of Refugees advocacy event at Daley Plaza, where Dr. Moshood Olanrewaju opened proceedings. Deputy Mayor Beatriz Ponce De León underscored the contributions of refugees and nonprofit organizations, highlighting Chicago's commitment to being a welcoming city. A significant moment came when Mayor Brandon Johnson proclaimed June 20th as the official World Refugee Day in Chicago, underscoring the city's dedication to this cause. 

Additional speakers included Alderwoman Leni Manaa-Hoppenworth and Dr. Joel E. Savoy, who discussed this year's theme, "hope away from home," emphasizing the transformative power of inclusion. Johannes Favi of the Illinois Community for Displaced Immigrants closed with a poignant speech urging action and advocacy for migrant rights. 

In conjunction with these events, a new executive order was announced to prevent family separation at the border and facilitate easier visa processes for DACA recipients, aligning with the spirit of World Refugee Day. 

For those inspired by these initiatives, Foster Beach Park is hosting a day-long celebration featuring a soccer tournament, performances, children's activities, and a community lunch, inviting Chicagoans to engage with and learn from the diverse cultures and stories of refugee members in their community. 

World Refugee Day serves as a poignant reminder of the resilience of refugees worldwide and the importance of fostering empathy, inclusion, and support in our communities. 

We hope you see you at foster beach!  

World Refugee Day Info: WORLD REFUGEE DAY CHICAGO - Home ( 

Biden's Executive Order: FACT SHEET: President Biden Announces New Actions to Keep Families Together | The White House.

04/01/2024 - Inside Chicago's Immigration Court and the maze migrants must navigate to stay

See the article here.

11/07/2023 - Event Recap: Taking on Asylum Cases: Focus on Country Condition Research, Experts, and Asylum Claims from El Salvador

The DMC’s Practitioner in Residence, Dr. Elizabeth Kennedy, lead an event on October 26 that empowered local asylum case advocates to better support asylum seekers from El Salvador. Dr. Kennedy’s decade-long dedication to human rights, gender issues, violence, and migration, notably in Central America, has produced a substantial body of research, including peer-reviewed articles, policy reports, and media publications. Her presentation provided attendees with valuable insights into the conditions of El Salvador.  

Country condition reports play a pivotal role in asylum cases by providing essential, evidence-based documentation of the circumstances in the applicant’s country of origin. Dr. Kennedy provided practical examples and resources of how to compile relevant country condition materials to assist asylum seekers from El Salvador.  

Dr. Kennedy spoke to over 30 participants from 18 community-based organizations. By equipping legal professionals and community advocates with essential knowledge and resources, the DMC and the Asylum and Immigration Law Clinic seek to continue to uphold the rights and dignity of asylum seekers in Chicago.  

10/12/2023 -Sioban Albiol, DMC Steering Committee member to receive the Leah Duckett Public Service Award at Life Span’s annual gala on September 28, 2023, at Galleria Marchetti

Sioban Albiol,  Director of Asylum & Immigration Law Clinic at DePaul University, will receive the Leah Duckett Public Service Award at Life Span’s annual gala on September 28, 2023, at Galleria Marchetti.  Sioban Albiol has provided invaluable expert advice and support to Life Span, whose clients are survivors of domestic violence and/or sexual assault.

Advance purchase tickets are $150 through September 21 at

09/08/2023 -It doesn’t make sense to bar authorized immigrants from certain jobs Prohibitions stem from discrimination, xenophobia and an incomplete rights revolution in the 1970s Perspective by Allison Brownell Tirres

Illinois took a step toward inclusivity by passing a bill that, if signed by Governor J.B. Pritzker, would permit non-U.S. citizens with work authorization to serve as police officers. This move mirrors similar strides taken by states like California, with others like Nevada and Wisconsin contemplating such measures. This progressive trend recognizes the pivotal role of the nearly 13 million lawful permanent residents in the U.S. and the varied professions they occupy. However, many states still maintain archaic laws, rooted in early 20th-century nativism, that prevent immigrants from accessing certain jobs solely based on their non-citizen status. This discrimination has its roots in unfounded xenophobia. The 1970s witnessed a momentary rise in immigrant rights but was soon curtailed by the Supreme Court’s more conservative leanings. However, the advent of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) in 2012 refocused attention on citizenship discrimination. Today, Illinois is taking progressive steps, backed by entities like the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights and the Mexican American Legal Defense Fund, to dismantle such employment barriers. The core argument remains that employing diverse talent, especially in police forces, benefits community representation and public safety. To see the article, just click here

04/27/2023 -   Prof. Rajit Mazumder Talks about his Research on Muslim minorities in Pakistan 

The following is an interview with the academic website on Prof. Rajit Mazumder's recent article. The article is on Muslim opposition, particularly by the Shia Muslim community, to the demand for Pakistan by the All-India Muslim League in the 1940s in British India. The interview goes over the background of the main subject, the salient points made in the article, and the current relevance of the research. There is a reference to refugees, drawing on Prof. Shailja Sharma's work, towards the end of the interview.  To see the article, just click here.

04/20/2023 -  DMC's Steering Committee member REV. CRAIG B. MOUSIN and his wife CHRIS INSERRA 

To see the article, just click here.

04/14/2023 -  DePaul Migration Collaborative Explores Climate Change, Mental Health  

Imagine it's 2033, and the population of Chicago is exploding. The Midwestern city has become a hub for those displaced by hurricanes, drought, rising sea levels and other climate disasters. DePaul professors Barbara Willard and Craig Mousin laid out this scenario at the second annual convening of the DePaul Migration Collaborative on April 14. They challenged participants to consider how Chicago might prepare for an influx of climate refugees.  To see the article, just click here.

04/14/2023 -  DePaul Receives Inspirational Gift From John And Kathy Schreiber 

DePaul University is honored to announce a multifaceted gift from John and Kathy Schreiber, who are supporting several DePaul programs to help underserved and vulnerable populations. Their generous gift to DePaul includes over $1.2 million pledged to the Schreiber Catholic Future Teacher Leader Program and a nearly $600,000 gift to the DePaul Migration Collaborative, among other transformative programs at DePaul. The Schreibers’ gift also supports the Egan Hope Scholars and the Egan Family Engagement and Coalition Initiative.  To see the article, just click here.

04/01/2023 -  The 40th Anniversary of the Harold Washington Election 

Chicago's long-standing commitment to being a sanctuary city can be traced back to 1985 when Mayor Harold Washington issued an executive order preventing city employees from participating in immigration enforcement. This order aimed to protect undocumented immigrants and foster trust between law enforcement and immigrant communities. Harold Washington's legacy as the first African American mayor of Chicago, known for his commitment to social justice and civil rights, continues to inspire the city's politics and social movements today. To celebrate his contributions, an anniversary event titled "The 40th Anniversary of the Harold Washington Election" will take place on April 13, 2023 (see attached flyer). In addition to this event, "A Clear View from the Prairie: Harold Washington and the People of Illinois Respond to Federal Encroachment of Human Rights" is an upcoming event that will shed light on the struggles faced by immigrants and marginalized communities in the fight for equal rights. Those interested in learning more about Harold Washington and his legacy can read Prof. Craig Mousin's article titled  "A Clear View from the Prairie: Harold Washington and the People of Illinois Respond to Federal Encroachment of Human Rights".

02/24/2023 -  Higher education can do more to help our city’s immigrants By Christopher Tirres and Olya Glantsman
Read the article here

02/23/2023 -  Craig Mousin's Lawful Assembly Podcast: Episode 34: Support Humanitarian Asylum Welcome  

In this interview, Rev. Craig B. Mousin, an Adjunct Faculty member of DePaul University’s College of Law, Refugee and Forced Migration Studies Program, and the Grace School of Applied Diplomacy interviews Heidi Altman, the Policy Director of the National Immigrant Justice Center. Ms. Altman discusses a proposed rule that will effectively preclude most asylum-seekers from safely and effectively applying for asylum in the United States. She advocates for humanitarian asylum welcome. She previously served as the legal director for the Capital Area Immigrants' Rights Coalition and was a Teaching Fellow in the immigration clinic at Georgetown University Law School.

Listen to the podcast here

02/03/2023 -  The Game of Life: Leveraging Tech for Civics Education 

The article by Lien Tran, a member of the faculty advisory council for the DMC, discusses the lack of civics education in the United States, which has contributed to misunderstandings about the First Amendment. Tran suggests that video games could be a solution to this problem, citing the success of iCivics, a collection of games and resources that reimagine civics education and engage students in the topic. Good learning games can situate the meaning of words by relating them to actions, images, and dialogue, and games like Do I Have a Right? specifically address freedom of speech. Tran argues that educators and caregivers should consider the enormous potential of games to transform knowledge, awareness, and perspective on all sorts of societal issues, including civics and government.

By Lien B. Tran

Read the article here

01/26/2023 -  2022 Community Capacity Report  

In April 2022, the DePaul Migration Collaborative (DMC) held its first major summit titled “Strategies for a Migrant Planet.” Following the summit, a 40-page report was developed to summarize findings from five focus groups, representing eighteen different greater Chicago area community organizations working in the field of migration.

The focus groups centered around three main themes: 1) the assets of the organization, 2) the barriers that impede them from reaching their fullest aspirations, and 3) possible points of collaboration with DePaul University.

To see the report, just click here:2022 Community Capacity Report (Final Version).pdf

01/13/2023 -  Craig Mousin's Lawful Assembly Podcast: Episode 33: New Year, Same Problems  

Imagine you are an asylum-seeker who has left your homeland. Listen to the interview with Secretary Mayorkas and consider its impact as you. Then write to the White House and Secretary Mayorkas and urge the Biden administration to follow the procedures and procedural protections of the Refugee Act of 1980

01/09/2023 -  Lunar New Year Offers a Chance to Reflect on Asian American History  

It’s critical that we do not homogenize Asian and Asian American Pacific Islander identities. The United States is home to 22 million Asian Americans, who have roots in more than 20 countries.

Educators looking for resources to teach Asian American history should look to organizations like Asian Americans Advancing Justice, as well as museums. Museums are also in the business of education, and there are already leading examples for how emerging technology can be the means and solution for collecting, sharing, educating and even immersing students and museum visitors in difficult histories, while survivors are still alive to share their voices and stories.

By Lien B. Tran, Public Voices fellow through the Op Ed Project

Read the article here

01/09/2023 -  Shailja Sharma's Op-ed titled, “The border ‘crisis’ is a problem that we can solve” has been published in The Chicago Tribune. 

Read the article here (subscription required).

06/15/2022 -  Announcing the inaugural co-directors of the DePaul Migration Collaborative (DMC) 

DePaul’s College of Law and College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (LAS) are pleased to announce the appointment of Sioban Albiol, JD, and Shailja Sharma, PhD, as the inaugural co-directors of the DePaul Migration Collaborative (DMC). Read more here.

11/17/2021 -  Welcoming the Stranger 

The DePaul Migration Collaborative was featured in "Welcoming the Stranger. The DePaul Migration Collaborative strives to build a better future for immigrants, refugees and asylum-seekers" in the Fall 2021 edition of Insights: A Publication for College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences Alumni and Friends. Read more here.