Information on Placing Interlibrary Loan Requests for College of Law Students, Faculty, & Staff:
The Rinn Law Library's Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service is available to College of Law students, faculty and staff. The law library staff will attempt to borrow books or obtain copies of journal articles needed for academic research when the item needed is not available at any DePaul library and cannot be borrowed directly from another I-Share Library.
Students are responsible for any lending or copy charges assessed by the lending library, as well as damage to or loss of ILL materials.
To borrow a
book that is not available for loan at DePaul or any other I-Share library, or a
journal article that is not available in the Rinn Law Library or electronically at the
University Libraries website, log into
Tipasa with your Campus Connect username and password.
Faculty research assistants only: Request
books or
articles for a professor for whom you are doing research.
Please see the
Rinn Law Library ILL Handout.pdf for instructions on using your I-Share and Tipasa accounts and a general FAQ on ILL borrowing and best practices.