College of Law > Career Services > Employment Data > Class of 2016

Class of 2016 Employment Statistics

In 2016, 234 students graduated from the College of Law.* For the Class of 2016, 80 percent of DePaul Law graduates seeking employment reported being employed as of 10 months after graduation. This percentage includes graduates reporting being employed in positions classified by the ABA as: bar passage required, JD advantage, professional, nonprofessional and undetermined.

The employment statistics requested by the ABA and NALP, and provided here, include all employment, whether it is in the legal industry or in non-legal sectors, and also include full-time, part-time, long-term or short-term employment. Also included in the statistics provided here are those graduates who were not seeking employment, were holding deferred employment offers, enrolled in full-time degree programs, or were of unknown employment status.

Additional employment information for the Class of 2016 can be found in the 2016 ABA Placement Report.

*The figures reported for the Class of 2016 include those students graduating in May 2016, July 2016, and December 2015 (per NALP guidelines).

Employment Status & Job Type

Employment Status 10 Months After Graduation

2016: Employment status 10 months after graduation

Data from ABA Employment Summary Report for 2016 Graduates; 3 graduates reported not seeking employment.

Employment by Job Category

Employment by Job Category

Data from Class of 2016 NALP Summary Report.

Duration of Employment Status

Employment Status Full-Time, Long-Term Full-Time, Short-Term Part-Time, Long-Term Part-Time, Short-Term Total % of all Graduates
Bar Passage Required 126 2 1 0 129 55.1
JD Advantage 38 1 6 2 47 20.1
Professional Position 3 0 3 1 7 3.0
Nonprofessional Position 1 0 0 0 1 0.4
Data from ABA Employment Summary for 2016 Graduates.

Employment by Job Type

Employment by Job Type

Data from Class of 2016 NALP Summary Report.

Government Positions

2016: Government positions

Data from Class of 2016 NALP Summary Report; 23 graduates reported employment in government positions.

Business Positions

2016: Business positions

Data from Class of 2016 NALP Summary Report; 44 graduates reported employment in business positions.

Other Positions by Type

2016: Other positions

Data from Class of 2016 NALP Summary Report; 9 graduates reported employment in public interest positions; 3 graduates reported employment in a judicial clerkship; and 2 graduates reported employment in an academic position.

Salary Information

Salary by Sector

Salary by Sector Graduates Reporting Employment Graduates Reporting Salary 25th Percentile Median 75th Percentile
Private Sector 147 103 $52,000 $64,000 $85,000
Public Sector 37 30 $45,000 $55,000 $63,250

Data from Class of 2016 NALP Summary Report. Only full-time, long-term reported salaries are included.

Salary by Job Category

Type of Employer Number Reported Number Reported w/Salary 25th Percentile Median 75th Percentile
Academic 2 0 - - -
Business 44 32 $60,000 $67,500 $79,588
Judicial Clerk 3 0 - - -
Private Practice 103 71 $50,000 $60,000 $95,000
Government 23 19 $44,000 $62,000 $65,000
Public Interest 9 7 $45,000 $50,000 $52,000

Data from Class of 2016 NALP Summary Report. Only full-time, long-term reported salaries are included. (A minimum of 5 reported salaries is required for each salary analysis.)

Salary by Law Firm Size

Size of Firm Percent of Reported Number Reported Number Reported w/Salary 25th Percentile Median 75th Percentile
1–10 attorneys 49.5% 51 35 $40,000 $50,000 $56,700
11–25 attorneys 14.6% 15 11 $58,000 $65,000 $70,000
26–50 attorneys 7.8% 8 5 $70,000 $70,000 $100,000
51–100 attorneys 6.8% 7 - - - -
101–250 attorneys 1.0% 1 - - - -
251–500 attorneys 4.9% 5 5 $100,000 $120,000 $160,000
501+ attorneys 8.7% 9 9 $100,000 $160,000 $180,000
Unknown Size 5.8% 6 - - - -
Solo Practice 1.0% 1 - - - -

Data from Class of 2016 NALP Summary Report. (A minimum of 5 reported salaries is required for each salary analysis.)

Employment Location

Number of Jobs Reported by Region/State

Region State Number of Jobs
Mid-Atlantic 3
New York 2
Pennsylvania 1
South Atlantic 8
Florida 3
Georgia 1
North Carolina 1
Virginia 1
Washington, D. C. 2
East North Central 162
Illinois 160
Michigan 2
East South Central 1
Kentucky 1
West South Central 1
Texas 1
Mountain 4
Arizona 2
Colorado 1
Utah 1
Pacific 4
California 4
Non-U.S. Locations 1

Data from Class of 2016 NALP Summary Report.