College of Law > Career Development > Employers > Recruit Current Students

Recruit Current Students

​​​​The Office of Professional & Career Development is happy to assist you in finding the candidates that best fit your organization’s needs. Employers have the opportunity to select and interview candidates from a diverse group of highly qualified and talented law students. The Office of Professional & Career Development offers the following four primary recruiting methods  to prospective employers interested in connecting with current law students are:

Job Postings

Post a job on our online job board, Vincent or complete the Job Posting Form and email it to

Resume Collection

If you would like the Office of Professional & Career Development to assist with collecting applications and reviewing or screening candidates, contact Katie Liss.

Host On-Campus Interviews

If you are interested in hosting an on-campus interview, please contact Katie Liss.

Networking Events

Interested in connecting with our students at one of our Spring or Fall networking events? Contact us.
