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Family law center helps students understand new Illinois Parentage Act

Alumna and Family Law Attorney Colleen Hurley speaks with 2L Candace Watkins about her interest in family law.
Alumna and family law attorney Colleen Hurley (left) speaks with second-year student Candace Watkins about her interest in pursuing a career in family law.
Family law attorney and alumna C​olleen Hurley (JD ’14) presented on interpreting the newly revised Illinois Parentage Act during a lunch-and-learn event sponsored by the Schiller DuCanto & Fleck Family Law Center. Hurley explained many of the changes found in the new act’s provisions by contrasting them with the language in the former law. While Hurley acknowledges that there are still uncertainties when deciphering the statute, she has developed a firm understanding of how to utilize the new revisions.

Hurley based her talk on her experiences as an associate at the family law firm of Wakenight & Associates, PC. She covered areas ranging from how one would establish paternity to how a legally recognized parent would construct a parenting plan, and the relevance of attorneys in developing these plans. Along with providing real-world anecdotes about life as an attorney, she helped attendees expand their own understanding of the act by allowing them to review a Cook County order that laid out the formation of a parenting time allocation judgment.

After the presentation, Hurley answered questions about the practice of family law and how to break into the field.