Borrowing Eligibility (In-person/walk-in borrowers)
All DePaul patrons and members of consortiums (i.e. I-share, CLAS) with reciprocal borrowing agreements with DePaul must have a valid institution ID in order to check out library materials (i.e. items eligible for circulation/loan based on their privileges). Members who need additional forms to complete the checkout process (i.e. CLAS) should obtain these materials from their institution library first before in-person/walk-in borrowing transactions. ID cards are non-transferrable.
Borrowing Materials
Most of the law library's collection is non-circulating. However, the following items can be checked out:
- Treatises (i.e. books) circulate for 28 days (3 renewals possible).
- Journals (bound and unbound) circulate for 24 hours (2 renewals possible).
- Reserve materials (e.g. hornbooks, nutshells,
IICLE, faculty course materials, old exams) circulate for 1, 3 or 24
hours (2 renewals for 24-hour items possible, otherwise not renewable).
Treatises can be renewed via the online catalog's renew books/my account page. All other items must be renewed at the circulation desk staff or by telephone at (312) 362-6892.
Fines & Fees
- Overdue fines, lost book costs, processing
fees, etc. are based on the law library's fine policy, available at the
circulation desk.
- Delinquent borrowers may have borrowing privileges revoked and registration for classes and graduation blocked.
Research Carrels
- Research carrels with lockable shelves are
available for faculty research assistants and members of the Moot Court
Society, Law Review and other DePaul journals.
- Carrels are available on a one-semester basis.
- To obtain a carrel, a student must have a
faculty member or journal editor send a letter or email to Heather
Hummons, Head of Access Services, ( requesting a carrel assignment.