DePaul Law is excited to announce the incoming Schiller DuCanto & Fleck Family Law Center Advisory Board Chair Danielle Parisi Ruffatto (BA ’01) and incoming Vice-Chair Nicole Onorato (JD ‘04).
DePaul University College of Law’s Schiller DuCanto & Fleck Family Law Center Advisory Board welcomes Laude Hartrum IV, The Law Offices of Jonathan Merel; Sarah Hawkins, Cook County Office of the Public Guardian; Aziza Khatoon-Mehmoudzai, Legal Aid Chicago; and Katherine Welz Herr, Schiller DuCanto & Fleck to the board.
The Board also would like to thank retiring board members Hon.
Diana E. López (immediate past chair) and Boye Akinwande for their dedicated service to our law students and DePaul Law. You will be greatly missed.