College of Law > About > News > Public interest legal skills series, racial discrimination

Public interest legal skills series, racial discrimination

The Center for Public Interest Law (CPIL) is starting off the semester with its second Legal Skill Series of the year. This six-part legal skills series will focus on racial discrimination in employment and will be lead by plaintiff's attorney Mike Persoon, Despres Schwartz & Geoghegan Ltd.

The series is structured to give students a basic undertsanding of how to litigate an individual disparate treatment employment discrimination case arising under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. By the end of the series, CPIL and Mr. Persoon hope that students will have the following skills:

  1. Identifying good cases while avoiding bad ones
  2. Navigating the EEOC process
  3. Drafting a complaint
  4. Conducting discovery
  5. Defeating summary judgment

While the six-part series is not an exhaustive survey of Title VII, the skills used in proving intentional race discrimination are also highly transferable.

The skills series will take place at 25 E Jackson Blvd, Lewis 904, from 11:50 a.m. to 12:50 p.m. over six consecutive Mondays (January 28 to March 4). Attendance at all six sessions is preferred, but not required. Those who attend all six sessions will be recognized with a certificate of completion.

The series is open to all students who RSVP. If you would like to attend, please email