Internationally renowned scholars will convene at DePaul University College of Law to identify and address issues in fiduciary law on July 19 and 20, 2013. Fiduciary law is one of the most important yet one of the least analyzed areas of private law. This conference will bring unprecedented attention to this neglected area of legal and philosophical inquiry. Conference participants will address foundational issues in fiduciary law, including the nature of the fiduciary relationship, the content of the fiduciary duty of loyalty, the place of fiduciary law in equity, and fiduciary theories of government and international order.
Andrew GoldProfessor Andrew Gold of DePaul University College of Law and Professor Paul Miller of McGill University Faculty of Law are co-organizers of the conference. The conference papers will be published in a book, Philosophical Foundations of Fiduciary Law, forthcoming from Oxford University Press.
Conference Participants/Contributors
Richard Brooks, Professor of Law, Columbia Law School
Evan Criddle, Associate Professor of Law, William & Mary Law School
Hanoch Dagan, Professor of Law and former Dean, Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law
Deborah DeMott, David F. Cavers Professor of Law, Duke Law
Avihay Dorfman, Lecturer in Law, Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law
Hon. James Edelman, Justice, Supreme Court of Western Australia
Evan Fox-Decent, Associate Professor of Law, McGill University Faculty of Law
Tamar Frankel, Professor of Law and Michaels Faculty Research Scholar, Boston University School of Law
Martin Gelter, Associate Professor of Law, Fordham University School of Law
Joshua Getzler, Professor of Law and Legal History, University of Oxford Faculty of Law
Andrew Gold, Professor of Law, DePaul University College of Law
Michele Graziadei, Professor of Law, University of Turin Faculty of Law
Sharon Hannes, Professor of Law and Director, Tel Aviv-Berkeley Executive LL.M. Program, Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law
Genevieve Helleringer, Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellow, University of Oxford Faculty of Law
Ethan Leib, Professor of Law, Fordham University School of Law
Daniel Markovits, Guido Calabresi Professor of Law, Yale Law School
Paul Miller, Assistant Professor of Law, McGill University Faculty of Law
James Penner, Professor of Law, University College London Faculty of Laws
David L. Ponet, Parliamentary Specialist at UNICEF
Irit Samet, Senior Lecturer, King’s College London School of Law
Michael Serota, Criminal Code Reform Attorney
Robert Sitkoff, John L. Gray Professor of Law, Harvard Law School
D. Gordon Smith, Associate Dean and Glen L. Farr Professor of Law, Brigham Young University Law School
Henry Smith, Fessenden Professor of Law and Director, Project on the Foundations of Private Law, Harvard Law School
Lionel Smith, James McGill Professor of Law, and Director, Paul-Andre Crepeau Centre for Private and Comparative Law, McGill University Faculty of Law
For more information about the Philosophical Foundations of Fiduciary Law conference, please contact the director of events at
Download the conference schedule.