College of Law > About > News > First DePaul team competes in Sarin Leiden International Air Law Moot Court

First DePaul team competes in Sarin Leiden International Air Law Moot Court

Patrick Jones (JD '99, LLM candidate) and Lindsay Vanderford (JD candidate) were the first students to represent DePaul College of Law and the International Aviation Law Institute (IALI) at the Sarin Leiden International Air Law Moot Court Competition in Bucharest, Romania, in March 2014.

Jones and Vanderford submitted two sets of written memorials and delivered oral arguments four times over two days at the 5th annual competition. Their efforts earned a top-5 score in four of the six scoring categories, including high marks for both sets of their written memorials, as well as overall score when representing the respondent. John Mulligan, the IALI's FedEx/United Airlines Resident Research Fellow, served as the team's coach. 

The Sarin Leiden International Air Law Moot Court is organized by Leiden University and the Sarin Foundation. The 2015 competition will be held in Beijing, China.