Bloomberg Law’s inaugural Law School Innovation Program recognized law schools changing legal education through innovative instruction and experiential learning. In addition to the overall finalists, Bloomberg acknowledged the highest-scoring law school programs in specific categories that included technology, business and justice, among others.
In its Analysis: How Innovative Law Schools Prioritize Tech Competence, Bloomberg Law recognized the College of Law’s Certificate in Technology, Cybersecurity & Data Privacy as a top-scoring program in Innovation & Technology. In partnership with DePaul’s Jarvis College of Computing and Digital Media (CDM), certificate students are able to enroll in select CDM courses for JD credit. According to Professor of Legal Practice Anthony Volini, one of the program founders, certificate students are “better equipped than many others to bridge the communication gap that is so common between IT and legal” and are “better able to understand, analyze and advise on privacy and security concerns surrounding emerging technologies.”