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IALI Fulbright Scholar addresses cyber security at world summit

The effect of cyber threats and cyber-terrorism on aviation was the theme of Sarah Jane Fox's presentation at the World Summit on the Information Society (​WSIS) Forum 2016, held May 2 to 6 in Geneva, Switzerland. Dr. Fox, the International Aviation Law Institute​'s 2015-16 Fulbright Scholar, reiterated the vulnerability of civil aviation, in particular, to cyber-terrorism.

"We need to look at past lessons and ensure that we go forward in a proactive way; which may necessitate a regulatory framework which looks at an effective means for addressing risks and vulnerabilities in cyberspace," Fox stated, adding, "We need to think more about addressing cyber-terrorism from a counterterrorism strategy approach—prevent, protect, pursue and respond—and ultimately how we track and bring perpetrators to justice."

Dr. Fox was invited to speak as part of the European Commission's Medici Cooperation Framework, which focuses on the use of digital and other emerging technologies supporting social and economic development.

The WSIS Forum 2016 was the world's largest gathering of the "Information and Communication Technologies for Development" community, and was organized and facilitated by more than a dozen United Nations agencies.  Presentations by Dr. Fox and others will be used by the UN in its discussions aimed at formulating policy.