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Asylum and Immigration Clinic Brings Legal Practitioners Together in the Suburbs

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The need for​ low-cost immigration legal services is great overall, but immigrants living outside of the city of Chicago have access to even fewer resources. Through the Legal Resources Project, the Clinic has been increasing resources available to community-based organization (“CBO”) partners outside of the City of Chicago so that they are better able to assist immigrants in their communities. On March 22nd, the AILC brought in private immigration and criminal law practitioner, Mario Godoy, from the Godoy Law Offices​ in Lombard, to provide a training on obtaining and interpreting criminal documents in relation to immigration legal practice. The training took place in Addison Public Library, an AILC partner authorized by the Department of Justice to provide immigration legal services, and where non-Chicago partner convenings generally take place. The AILC continues to increase the amount of CBO partners it works with outside of the city of Chicago, and the services it provides them.