College of Law > Law Library > Services > iTunes Instructions

Streaming/Downloading Library Videos from iTunes U

  1. If you don't currently have iTunes on your computer, download it and install it.
  2. Log into the university's iTunes U site
  3. In iTunes, you should see the university's "DePaul on Demand" front page. Under "Academics", click the "College of Law" icon.
  4. Under "Library", click "Rinn Law Library".
  5. On the Rinn Law Library page, click the Video tab
  6. You should see a list of available videos, which you can either view as streaming video or download for offline or iPod viewing.
    • Streaming: To stream the video and watch it immediately, double-click the title. After a few seconds, the video should begin to play. If the video playback is choppy, try right-clicking on the video and select "Open Video in New Window". (You may also want to close down other programs running in the background.) If it frequently stops and starts, your internet connection may not be fast enough to support streaming. Try the downloading instructions below.
    • Downloading: Clicking the "Get Movie" icon to begin downloading a video to your iTunes folder. Download times vary according to the speed of your Internet connection. (You can watch your progress and view an estimate of how long the process will take by clicking "Downloads" on the left side of the iTunes window, under Store.)
  7. Once the download is complete, under Playlists (on the left side of the iTunes window) you should see a DePaul University folder, and below that a "Rinn Law Library - Video" playlist. Click this playlist to see the downloaded video. (As with streaming video, if you notice the video playback is choppy, try right-clicking on the video and select "Open Video in New Window", and/or close down other programs running in the background.)